Welcome to our loyalty program
Get to know all about your new benefits as a RedRider

How to use our vouchers?
Every month, discount vouchers are awarded to our RedRiders
Step 1
Book one or more trips
After becoming a RedRider, you can start traveling and gathering points right away. Every dollar you spend turns into one point in your RedRider account.
Step 2
Wait until closing date
Your points will be awarded after the date of your trip. Then, every month on the 1st, a voucher will be awarded to you.
Step 3
Receive your rewards
After reaching 100 points within a month, you get a monthly voucher. If you are a RedRider, it starts at $10 and grows as you earn more points. The voucher value will increase depending on your RedRider status (more info below).
Step 4
Use your vouchers
You will be able to see your vouchers in your RedRider account, on the left menu. When buying a ticket for your next trip, you will be able to select your voucher at the end of the booking process. The discount will be instantly applied!
And repeat!
The more you travel, the better your rewards! The RedRider program is a big thank you to all our frequent travelers.
Where to apply your voucher
Add your voucher at the last step of your booking process.
Click on the “Add voucher” button.
Select your voucher and click apply. If not logged, in, add your voucher by number sent via email.
Unlock more and better rewards
Collect points by travelling with us and level up everytime you reach a milestone
0-500 points
After reaching 100 points
$10 voucher
If you gather more than 100 points – your voucher worth will increase!
Access to special offers
500-1000 points
After reaching 100 points
$15 voucher
If you gather more than 100 points – your voucher worth will increase!
Access to special offers
Cancellation / change fee waiver (5/year) via customer service only
50% discount on 2 tickets per year
1 free roundtrip ticket in your birthday month
Complimentary upgrades to business, first* (1/year) via customer service only
More than 1000 points
After reaching 100 points
$20 voucher
If you gather more than 100 points – your voucher worth will increase!
Access to special offers
Cancellation/ change fee waiver (10/year) via customer service only
50% discount on 4 tickets per year
1 free roundtrip ticket in your birthday month
Complimentary upgrades to business, first* (2/year) via customer service only
How much will I get for my trip?
Whether you already have RedRider points, or if you are planning to trip with us soon, enter your status below. Remember, $1 spent equals 1 point!
Enter your points on the form to know the value of your voucher.
Not enought points
You have to have at least 100 points every month!
To be awarded the 1st of the month.
Not a RedRider yet?
A seat is waiting for you! Sign up now and start gathering points.
How to use your benefits
If you are a Silver or Gold RedRider, you can unlock upgrades in your ticket class by contacting customer service.
Special discounts
All special discounts and offers will be sent to you via e-mail, including your birthday gift and discount tickets. Stay tuned!
Change fee waiver
If you are a Silver or Gold RedRider, you can access your change fee waiver by contacting customer service.
Frequently asked questions
How can I register?
RedRider Loyalty is a program that rewards our clients for chooshing us. All you do is book your ticket, board the bus, and rack up reward points in the process as an active RedRider member
Which are the benefits of a RedRider?
The possibilities are endless… Earn 1 point for every $1 spent and receive a voucher to use on a future trips. Once you register will become a RedRider and for every point you earn, will have the chance to have a better status and with that greater benefits!
When will I receive vouchers?
Once you reach 100 points will receive a voucher; codes will appear in your account the 1st of each month and the minimum to get one is to have 100 points every month.
Can I purchase a ticket with my points?
No, tickets can be purchased with vouchers. Every 100 points will receive a voucher once a month and that voucher can be used to travel with us.
Can I combine my vouchers?
Yes! You can combine all our vouchers!
How do the three tiers work?
There are 3 types of status: RedRider – Silver and Gold which will be achieved according to the amount of points earned. The status is valid for the calendar year, till December. Check out its benefits!
How long do the vouchers last?
Loyalty vouchers are valid for a 6 month period. After that time the collected vouchers will expire. Points are valid only for the subscribed member, and cannot be combined or transferred to any other member or passenger.